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The evasion of organized leadership that for many began as a tactic leaders are targets and weak links, subject to prosecution and co option has now grown into a principle. Which left the biggest questions What is Occupy trying to say, and who will be its voice? with no conventional answers. The press found this maddening. It doesnt really take you to a particular bumper sticker action, declared a puzzled Gerald Seib at The Wall Street Journal he couldnt imagine any other worthwhile outcome. Even some within the movement have their doubts. You dont seriously believe this is a leaderless movement, do you? Cecily McMillan, a 23 year old graduate student at the New School, asks me one day. Not possible, she says, thats an illusion crafted by the OWS secret elite, who she insists are unresponsive to the demand for a concrete agenda by the actual 99 percent. McMillan is Northeast regional organizer for the youth section of the Democratic Socialists of America, which bills itself as the largest socialist organization in the United States. Shes been involved with the Occupy movement since August, despite sharp differences with most of the people in the park. I believe in a constrained view of revolution, she says, by which she means putting pressure on mainstream politicians. And for this, she says, she has suffered.
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