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Left their articles undisturbed, and proceeded to the river Roper. My horses are still looking very bad. The cause must be the dry state of the grass; it is so parched up that when rubbed between the hands it becomes a fine powder, and they must derive very little nourishment from it. I can hear natives talking and screaming on the other side of the river, which at this place is a strong running stream about thirty yards wide and apparently deep. Wind, south east, blowing strong. Wednesday, 13th August, Roper River, Reedy Swamp.

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You need to take time to allow your lupus to get back under control again. Source: 194017 17. htmlSo, youve been diagnosed with lupus, and youve no idea where it came from, but youve been told by your doctor that the symptoms youve experienced are consistent with the lupus disease. Its time to take stock of what lupus is, what symptoms you might experience, and how to best treat a flare up. by Nadine VisscherHave you ever noticed that wet hair is heavier than dry hair?Why is that?The outer layer of your hair, the cuticle, is made up of tightly over lapping scales for strength and resistance. And then there is the sebum, or the natural oil, that coats the scaly cuticle.
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D. IMPEDIMENTS IN PROMOTING COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE AMONGSTUDENTS OF ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE . V. Suntharesan, Ph. D. Writing Problems among the Tertiary Level Students in Bangladesh: A Study in Chittagong Region .
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Investors poured more than $21 billion into the company, which has yet to turn a profit. Uber posted $4. 5 billion in losses last year alone, subsidizing rides in an all out effort to establish a monopoly. And according to one estimate, the companys drivers after paying for gas, maintenance, and Ubers commission of 25 percent on every fare took home barely $10 an hour on average. Last year, Uber agreed to shell out more than $80 million for underpaying drivers in New York a systematic practice it blamed on an accounting error and in January it agreed to pay $3 million to settle a class action suit by New York drivers who accused it of levying excessive fees on their fares. Veteran drivers like Schifter were hit especially hard. In the course of only a few years, Uber gutted the black car and livery businesses, both of which had been reliable sources of income for working class New Yorkers for generations. Cabbies also suffered: From June 2014 to June 2015, according to one analysis of city data, the number of Uber pickups in Manhattan soared by 1. 4 million, while the number of taxi pickups plunged by 1. 1 million. At the same time, the price of taxi medallions which peaked at a record $1.
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