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4. 03. 2018 14:11 Since I built the Tamiya Leopard 2A6 I was always interested in the evolution of the tank, the Leopard 2A7. I had seen few scratch conversions on forums and youtube but, Im not brave enough to do that. When OKMO through DKLM offered the conversion I fall in with it. The parts are 3D printed and of very good quality, includes the FLW 200 robotized weapon station. I managed to add some servos to make the machine gun mobile. I didnt write a tutorial as I didnt take many pictures during the build, but this gallery could help others to face the project I hope so. By Michael Mandau | 09. 24. 2018 11:26 There is always this one kind of projects that you ever wanted to build and pops up in your mind once in a while.

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S. population met the definition for obesity; today, roughly one third of the American adults are considered obese, the CDC reported. High fructose corn syrup is found in a wide range of foods and beverages, including fruit juice, soda, cereal, bread, yogurt, ketchup and mayonnaise. On average, Americans consume 60 pounds of the sweetener per person every year. "Our findings lend support to the theory that the excessive consumption of high fructose corn syrup found in many beverages may be an important factor in the obesity epidemic," Avena said. The new research complements previous work led by Hoebel and Avena demonstrating that sucrose can be addictive, having effects on the brain similar to some drugs of abuse. In the future, the team intends to explore how the animals respond to the consumption of high fructose corn syrup in conjunction with a high fat diet the equivalent of a typical fast food meal containing a hamburger, fries and soda and whether excessive high fructose corn syrup consumption contributes to the diseases associated with obesity. Another step will be to study how fructose affects brain function in the control of appetite. The research was supported by the U. S. Public Health Service.
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ukSend your original right to work documents via secure delivery e. g. Royal Mail Special Delivery Guaranteed by 1pm to:External ExaminersUniversity of Central LancashireAcademic Quality and EnhancementFoster Building Room 117PrestonPR1 2HEPlease ensure to include details of your preferred return address for your documentation. Documents should arrive at our office no later than 48 hours before the planned video link. You will be able to claim reasonable courier costs as expenses from the University of Central Lancashire on proof of evidence. 3.
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'Cochran lives in the district of Hawaii with the lowest turnout rate in the state. In the primary election this year, fewer than 15% of registered voters cast ballots in House District 10, which encompasses Lahaina and a moon shaped slice of West Maui. That's only 1,961 of 13,254 people, according to numbers compiled for CNN by local data hound Jared Kuroiwa. Elections in a place like that can easily be swayed if a candidate turns out voters who never have participated. Friends helped Cochran hold campaign events. They passed out stickers that show a silhouette of Cochran "hanging ten" on the end of a surfboard: an impossibly hard move in which the surfer walks to the front end of the board and hangs all 10 toes over the edge. They hoped the campaign would defy the laws of physics, too. One friend who helped Cochran with these efforts was Nani Teruya, a big laughing, fast talking woman who wears a flower above her ear. Teruya went so far as to stand on the highway with Cochran, holding her council signs and waving at commuters. "Hui" means conversation or meeting. A union.
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