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Those from schools with a population between 7,500 15,000, reported that there were an average of 2,165 students per mental health professional. With an enrollment of 10,681 students this semester, and five crisis counselors on staff, LCCCs ratio sits just below that average at 2,136 students to one counselor. The ideal ratio is 1,000:1 according to The State of Mental Health on College Campuses, a research essay published in Inquiry in 2012. When I started here five years ago, we had four full time counselors, now we have one, Kuntz said. So, the decrease in our staff numbers and total hours is a real issue. This is an occurrence, not just at LCCC, but at colleges across the U. S. College counseling centers continue to be understaffed, according to the Inquiry essay. For students, the effects can mean longer wait times from the time a student is referred to the time the student completes the intake process, longer times between appointments, and less of a chance that the center can afford to complete follow ups on students that have left their care. 76. 6 percent of college counseling center directors reported decreasing the number of visits for students being seen for a non crisis issue in order to cope with the increasing number of overall patients, according to the 2010 National Survey of Counseling Center Directors conducted by the American Psychological Association APA.

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""I believe that there is a premature infatuation with windenergy that will not prevail once an objective analysis isperformed," Congel said. "Consequently, it is imperative that thestate, and its citizens, have all of the facts clearly evaluatedbefore irreversible consequences occur. "On June 16, 2009, NYSERDA will host an Environmental StakeholderRoundtable on wind power at the Empire State Plaza in Albany. Thiswill provide "a forum to address questions that have been raisedrelative to wind power generating facilities operating or plannedfor New York," according to a press release. Noted topics of discussion include wind technology, wind powermarkets, the RPS, economic costs and benefits, environmentalimpacts, and local decision making strategies. The electrical grid is kept energized by several energy sources. The "base" load is provided by large, central generators, such asbig coal plants, nuclear plants, or large hydro facilities. Theseunits cannot vary their output very easily and essentially operateat high output continuously. The next level of electrical energyproducers are smaller coal plants, smaller hydro facilities, andnatural gas fired turbine generators. These facilities are capableof "load following," which means that they can vary their output upand down readily to meet grid needs. When demand increases in the morning when the generic personis showering and making coffee, for example the generators mustincrease output.
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