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Sudut kemiringan tersebut dihitung dari perpotongan bidang ekuatorial Bumi dan bidang orbit Bumi terhadap Matahari. Kemiringan poros Bumi ini juga memberi pengaruh pada musim di Bumi dan menyebabkan terjadinya perubahan musim panas, dingin, gugur dan semiKetika Bumi bergerak mengelilingi Matahari, porosnya ini akan mengarah ke titik yang sama di angkasa. Di bola langit, titik itu berada dekat dengan Polaris si Bintang Utara. Artinya akan ada saat dimana salah satu belahan Bumi yang 23,5 lebih dekat ke Matahari atau lebih jauh dari Matahari selama Bumi mengitari sang Surya selama 365,25 hari atau 1 tahun. Ada saatnya ketika kutub utara Bumi kemiringannya lebih dekat ke Matahari dan pada saat ini bumi belahan utara lebih banyak mendapat sinar Matahari. Tanggal 20 atau 21 Juni merupakan titik balik musim panas atau summer solstice yang menandai awal musim panas di Belahan Bumi Utara sekaligus siang terpanjang di belahan utara atau titik musim dingin bagi belahan selatan. Sementara di kutub selatan, kemiringan poros Bumi menempatkannya menjauh dari Matahari sehingga di area ini mengalami musim dingin dengan siang yang lebih pendek. Pada bulan Desember, kemiringan kutub utara justru menjauh dari Matahari dan kali ini giliran kutub selatan yang lebih dekat ke Matahari sehingga area belahan selatan mengalami musim panas dan mengalami siang yang panjang. Sedangkan di Utara mengalami sebaliknya yakni musim dingin dengan panjang siang yang pendek. Titik balik musim dingin atau winter solstice bagi Bumi belahan utara biasanya terjadi tanggal 21 atau 22 Desember yang sekaligus juga menjadi titik balik musim panas bagi belahan selatan. Dua kali dalam setahun, 21 Maret dan 23 September, saat Matahari di Ekuinoks perpotongan dua garis ekliptika dan ekuator langit, maka lamanya siang dan malam akan sama yaitu masing masing 12 jam.

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Sit around long enough four days of serious laziness and you become virtually immune to the benefits of exercise. 33 Doubtless you can work your way back to benefitting, but its probably difficult. How many days of laziness are required for that effect?No ones studied that yet. Probably more than a day or two for most people but lots of people are lazy for more than a day at time. Indeed, its hard not to hear it. This analogy has been everywhere lately circa 2011 2014, with no clear single origin. 34 NBC News made it news. Runners World ran with it. Science writer Alex Hutchinson covered it well for The Globe and Mail, but the headline which Alex didnt write trumpets the analogy like its The Truth, already well established. Well, yes, of course it is. Smoking is exceedingly bad for you; its hard to believe sitting is anywhere near as dangerous, probably only a fifth or a sixth as bad as smoking, specifically according to the editors of British Journal of Sports Medicine, and somewhat tongue in cheek, I think35.
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You should find that answers of a similar standard attract similar marks. If you find inconsistency, you might wish to consider recommending alteration of marks see the Can I change marks section of this page. On rare occasions, you may also be asked to reconcile unresolved differences between internal examiners over the mark to be awarded for a particular piece of work. In such cases, you should communicate your decision to the Chair of the Board of Examiners. Keep a note of the rationale behind your decision in case this becomes an issue at the board. You may wish to consider recommending an alteration in marks if you feel these are over harsh, over generous, or inconsistent with assessment criteria. University policy states that you can only change marks for individual pieces of assessment if you have moderated the full run of that assessment task. In such cases, you should make a note of marks altered and the rationale for doing so. You should not change marks if you have moderated only a sample of work for a particular task, but should instead make recommendations for steps to be taken to address your concerns. In situations where you have moderated a sample of assessed work and identified issues/concerns about the marks awarded, you can recommend to the department that systematic action be taken to amend marks for the full run of scripts/assessments you have marked a sample of. Further guidance is available in the online handbook.