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Before we get too comfortable with the concept of universal RTK or RTN we want to make sure that someone will be funding these networks, properly maintaining them and publishing all the necessary data and metadata to make the best use of them. Secondly, as advancing measurement technology continues to trim the error budget of surveying and especially GIS mapping; users will want to focus on methodology and coordinate system parity. The higher the precision the more detectable sloppy measurement technique will become. The correct selection and assignment of datums and coordinate systems and datum time alignment epochs will be a more significant factor, especially when working with data collected by different devices at different times. Lets also not forget the vendors spec these devices under optimum conditions with highly trained users. Generally speaking, most users do not collect under the same conditionsand tree canopy is tree canopy no matter what they tell you. There is no silver bullet. For high precision work Ill take a post processed baseline and coordinate solution over an RTK baseline and coordinate solution any day. The main reason is that you can edit and clean static data to improve the solution. With RTK/RTN you get what you measure and what they solve. Also RTK/RTN is only as good as the radio or cellular link.

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Projections of future climate changes are inherently probabilistic, because of the many uncertainties surrounding choices of climate parameters, uncertainties in the underlying physical processes and future emissions, and because the climate system is highly complex. 1. They knew nothing about the Manhattan Project: like the scientists themselves, they were just drawing on existing scientific knowledge. Multidecadal Warming and Density Loss in the Deep Weddell Sea, Antarctica, A Bridging Role of Winter Snow over Northern China and Southern Mongolia in Linking the East Asian Winter and Summer Monsoons, Paleoclimate Constraints on the Spatiotemporal Character of Past and Future Droughts, Patreon is a way for people to support creators in the creation of the stuff they create. Its available in both trade paperback and electronic format. The rest will be powered from all the stray electromagnetic radiation we are ceaselessly spraying into the air. Thus, uncertainty in forcing is more important than uncertainty in feedbacks at lower temperatures and less important at higher temperatures. Such simple calculations are powerful and efficient tools for exploring the climate response to different scenarios of future anthropogenic climate forcing. We may use remarketing pixels from advertising networks such as Google AdWords, Bing Ads, and Facebook in order to advertise the HubPages Service to people that have visited our sites. , From the Street to the Stars Andy Nebula: Interstellar Rock Star, Book 1, is now formally available in print, as well as ebook, format!The Shape of Things to Come envisioned major wars being fought in the 20th century, a distressingly accurate prediction. In particular, we have examined how uncertainties in physical feedbacks and uncertainties in climate forcing combine to affect uncertainty in the evolving climate response.
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International Journal of Research in Marketing, 344, 872 891. Watson, G. F. , Beck, J. T. , Henderson, C. M. , and Palmatier, R. W. 2015. Building, measuring, and profiting from customer loyalty.