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Uber is grappling with the fallout. For the last few months, the company has been reeling from allegations of a machismo fueled workplace where managers routinely overstepped verbally, physically and sometimes sexually with employees. Mr. Kalanick compounded that image by engaging in a shouting match with an Uber driver in February, an incident recorded by the driver and then leaked online. Mr. Kalanick now has a private driver. The damage has been extensive. Ubers detractors have started a grass roots campaign with the hashtag deleteUber. Executives have streamed out. Some Uber investors have openly criticized the company. Mr.

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Briefly explain the economic concept of elasticity. List the five key determinants of price elasticity of demand and explain how each determinant indicates whether demand tends to be elastic or inelastic. Explain the concepts of cross price elasticity of demand and income elasticity of demand. What do positive and negative values indicate for each of these demand elasticities?Use examples to explain your answer. Q2. Explain the economic concept of price elasticity of supply. What are the 5 key determines of price elasticity of supply. Use examples to explain your answer. Q3. For each pair of items below, determine which product would have a higher price elasticity of demand in absolute value and which one a lower price elasticity of demand. a.
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They will instead use Zoom to attend those classes they would normally attend in person. Last week Quaker Ridge Elementary School closed down for one day on Thursday, Oct. 15, and went fully remote due to a potential positive case. That happened around 7 a. m. that day with what Rauschenbach at the time called a presumptive positive, so with an abundance of caution the district opted to close the school while awaiting the test result. The district has since adapted its closure guidelines to include a scenario for a presumptive positive as the DOH does not get involved in decisions until an actual positive case is confirmed. At the school board meeting Oct. 19, board member Robert Klein asked what impact alumni returning home from college later in the year might have locally. Rauschenbach said that would have to be addressed with the community. Those students, especially those who have siblings in Scarsdale schools, are likely coming from among the more than 40 states on New York States quarantine list, and therefore, they would be required to quarantine and encouraged to get tested.
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Grammar school was too late to start repairing the deficits of childhood disadvantage. Early childhood programs aimed at the poorHead Start, most notablysuddenly seemed the best route to improving inner city children's academic chances and breaking the cycle of poverty. Although designed to appeal to all children, Sesame Street was also envisioned as an anti poverty television program. Sesame Street's time had come for two other reasons. First, American mothers, about to begin their double shift in the kitchen and at the office, would hardly be able to resist the most mesmerizing babysitter since Mary Poppins. And second, since preschool kids were already watching TV an average of 30 hours a week, why not turn that habit to advantage?The miserable state of commercial television had become a commonplacea "vast wasteland," as FCC chairman Newton Minow famously put it in 1961. But even though, from The Three Stooges to Flipper, the pickings were slim, there were intriguing reports of children learning to read from observing letters on commercials, quiz shows, and weather reports. Alert to all of these trends was Joan Ganz Cooney, the woman whom Carnegie Corporation president Lloyd Morrisett had hired to explore the potential of television for teaching children. Well connected and, in the words of former NET chairman John White, charming enough "to sell tea to the Chinese," Cooney had produced a documentary about a Harlem preschool and had won an Emmy for another educational television effort, "Poverty, Anti Poverty, and the Poor. " And her impressive credentials went beyond public television: she had also done a stint as a publicist at NBC. Cooney brought to Sesame Street her shrewd grasp of the lessons of this still young and developing medium its techniques both of production and of marketing.