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1967. Let me add about TESDA, its vision is to become the leading partner in the development of the Filipino workforce with world class competence and positive work values. The mission is to provide direction, policies, programs and standards towards quality technical education and skills development. We have what we call the KSA. K stands for knowledge, S stands for skills and the most essential one is the A which stands for Attitude. Companies nowadays look for the employee more on the attitude, no matter how skilled you are, the knowledge you have acquired, it doesnt make ones work good if this essential one is missing.

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In order for us to get any way out of this mess we need to look to Gramsci once again. We need to revolt. We need to stop consuming for the wrong reasons. We need to think about our purchasing. We need to become consciously aware of what we are doing. We need to start asking questions?Where is my money going?Is it helping communities or causing farmers to lose their farms?Why do they sell Riverock a Coca cola product instead of Kerry Spring in the college canteen?Because thats the reality; every time you purchase something you set a chain of events into motion . Now were aware of our power there is no going back. We need to start a revolution. Some trailblazers have already started with Fair Trade leading the way with putting a conscience into consumerism. In the field of fashion people like Kellie Dalton are paving the way forward for fashion with a conscience. Her work and the work of others at Redress.
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Psychology, Public Policy and Law, 54:95165. Bryan P. E. 1999. Collaborative law: Meaningful reform or another quick fix?Psychology. Public Policy and Law, 54:100117.
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A co worker from several yards away shouted What is THAT? because the chemical smell was so strong. She complained and Safeway basically told her you must use it or lose your job and they are now making the employees wear a mask and gloves. WHAT is safe anymore, other than grown in your own yard!Thank you for that info!I bought fresh wild salmon at Frasier Farms and it tasted like Chlorine; the butcher said no chlorine was in the mister, but you explained it well. It is likely the hypochlorous acid or free chlorine. Ugh!Next time I requested a frozen half salmon that was never in the display case. No chlorine taste now!You are welcome!Out food has become what I cal Frankenfood. It is all so deceiving. Its a crazy world and we have to be diligent when it comes to our health and what we put in our mouths!All of these and more, including pesticides have caused male testosterone levels to drop in men younger and younger since the 80s FDA and many turn there heads because of the billions made by large pesticide companies. The Genetically altered seed being planted affects are just now showing up with more and more problems. Its a shame its all about money and not our health. I do not trust the FDA because I feel they are paid off.