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Though knowledge and skills have an influence on the success of a person in the future, attitude is also vital. Formation of worthwhile values, attitude and habits are necessary in the growth of a person. But in exercising the hidden curriculum, the way how the educator delivers it make a significant impact to a learner whether in a positive or negative way. When mismatches exist between learning styles of most students in a class and the teaching style of the professor, the students may become bored and inattentive in class, do poorly on tests, get discouraged about the courses, the curriculum, and themselves, and in some cases change to other curricula or drop out of school Felder, 2007,p. 1. To rectify the situation teachers need to present information to their asses visually, auditorally, and in hands on manner. The hidden curriculum gives opportunity for the learners for the 21st century workplace to acquire proper knowledge, skills, and attitude. Thus, they become responsible and productive in their own ways. With these, they can handle difficulties in life and secure success in the future. They are able to utilize the resources they have to learn like books, media, technology, experiences and many more. Hidden Curriculum is not the information that is in a textbook, but the information students learn through the world.
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Plantations give us the subspecies we call race. The home cordons off inter and intra species love. But mushroom collecting brings us somewhere elseto the unruly edges and seams of imperial space, where we cannot ignore the interspecies interdependencies that give us life on earth. There are big stories to tell here, and they should not be left to the human triumphalists who control the field. This essay opens a door to multispecies landscapes as protagonists for histories of the world. Domination, domestication, and are deeply entangled. Home is where dependencies within and among species reach their most stifling. For all its hyped pleasure, perhaps this is not the best idea for multi species life on earth. Consider, instead, the bounteous diversity of roadside margins. Consider mushrooms. This essay is indebted to Donna Haraway not only for the concept of companion species but also for the permission she offers us all to be both scientist and cultural criticthat is, to refuse the boundaries that cordon nature from cultureand besides, to dare tell the history of the world in a single sentence, or certainly a short essay.
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