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It was then folks celebrated the wheat harvest. They ate a green, leafy plant then and called it Lambsquarters. IDENTIFICATION: Large plant, to six feet or more, often mealy early in the season, leaves very variable, diamond shaped widest point usually well below the middle, narrowing to two straight untoothed sides making a V shaped base, and with straightish toothed sides to the tip. Flowers ball like clusters arranged in spikes. The minute flowers have five green sepals, five yellow stamens. METHOD OF PREPARATION: Young leaves raw, older leaves sweated or boiled, seeds after soaking overnight and rinsed well to remove saponins on surface. Chenopodium is a nitrogen holding plant and high in oxalic acid. Best avoided by those with kidney stones, gout or related issues. Seed is 49% carbohydrate, 16% protein, and 5. 88% ash. Water the seeds are soaked in can be used as soap.

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In a second situation, students from Schlumberger Oil Company in Amman Jordan, to whom I taught transliteration, sang Celine Dions My Heart Will Go On even though they were complete beginners. They as well, became lifetime avid learners of the English language, heralding such accomplishment as motivation to this day. Both preceding microcosms employed the Arabic Alphabet phonetics as transliteration to correctly pronounce the EnglishE. g. Schlumberger Oil My Heart Will Go OnMy heart will go on I hope that transliteration does not become viewed as counter productive or neglected in the future, as I have witnessed, in my experience within the Levant for seven years at various institutions. Regardless of criticisms, I believe that there is definitely a place for transliteration in the pedagogy of contemporary language fields and I hope we see some reintroduction in the future.
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However, as the sensors can only detect an icy point at the road location of the sensor, its utility could be restricted, given that road slipperiness varies even in a short roadway section . Recently, as a growing number of fleets such as trucks, buses, taxis, rental cars, patrol cars, and maintenance cars are getting connected for their own purposes, an innovative approach to identifying slippery spots on the road through processing in vehicle sensors is attracting interest worldwide. In this study, a wheel slip based approach to detect road slipperiness is explored. On slippery surfaces, vehicular wheels are prone to skid, which makes wheel rotational and vehicle transitional speeds prominently different from each other. This phenomenon can be discerned by wheel speed and GPS sensors that are available in cars carrying commonly available devices: smartphones, digital tachographs, and on board units for diverse ITS projects. Due to the characteristics of tires made of rubber, some discrepancies of the two speeds essentially arise for vehicles to move and stop. Hence, finding optimal thresholds of the differences in both speeds that separate skidding from non skidding under different vehicle dynamic conditions is a principal concern for this study. The approach suggested in this study has advantages in three aspects: 1 it can be implemented without resorting to sophisticated systems, such as antilock braking and/or traction control systems TCS that car manufacturers have normally proprietary rights to; 2 it can be easily applied to any location based services LBS devices enumerated above that include GPS and can obtain wheel speed data from the vehicles controller area network bus; and 3 it can provide reliable and spatially seamless slippery information on a wide area road network when applied to any of the fleets mentioned above, thanks to a systematic analysis on data aggregated from multiple vehicles. Identifying road slipperiness using vehicles as a mobile sensing platform has been one of the hottest research topics for the last two decades. Pilli Sihvola invented a vehicle based road weather data collection system to observe road weather data on Finnish roads . Wang et al.
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The magma cooled into a wedge shaped dike that was then uplifted, rupturing the surface and creating a 500 metre long, 60 metre deep crack. Using sensor data collected by universities in the region, researchers led by Atalay Ayele of Addis Ababa University in Ethiopia reconstructed the sequence of seismic events that led to the cracks formation. They found that a 60 kilometre long, 8 metre wide dike of solidified magma formed in the rift, causing the crack, in a matter of days. Similar dikes in Iceland are typically around 10 kilometres long and 1 metre wide and can take years to form. The new study shows the formation of dikes can occur in larger segments and over much shorter periods of time than previously thought. The ferocity of what we saw during this episode stunned everyone, says Cynthia Ebinger, a team member at the University of Rochester in New York. While the Mount Dabbahu rift is still hundreds of kilometres inland, Ebinger says it could continue to widen and lengthen. As the plates keep spreading apart, it will end up looking like the Red Sea, she says. Eventually it could reach the east coast of Ethiopia and fill up with seawater. At some point, if that spreading and rifting continues, then that area will be flooded, says Ken Macdonald, a marine geophysicist at the University of California, Santa Barbara, who was not involved with the study. Ebinger says this wont happen any time soon it would take around 4 million years for the crack to reach the size of the Red Sea.
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Instead of rushing it, take the time to learn more about who your date really is before getting intimate. If things work out, the delayed gratification will pay off. Heavy topics can weigh down the early dating experience and make your date wonder if you carry too much emotional baggage. Once past the early dating phase, your relationship should be strong enough to bear occasional heavy topics. During the early stages of dating, controlling the frequency of dates can prevent you from moving too fast or dampening your budding relationship with heavy topics. Dan lee nfl.