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Remember while you are writing your critical essay that in most cases you want to keep your tone serious and objective. If you quote or summarize and you will probably have to do this in your critical essay, be sure you follow an appropriate format MLA format is the most common one when examining literature and be sure you provide a properly formatted list of works cited at the end of your essay. A comparison and contrast essay may discuss only similarities, only differences, but more often than not, both comparison and contrast is used. The essay may be organised in one of two patterns. Either is acceptable, but mixing patterns is not. When writing an article to compare your ideas, you have to determine the items that are related in some way.

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Jr. , Peter H. Davids, F. F. Bruce, and Manfred T. Brauch 1996, Hard Sayings of the Bible Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press. Keil, C. F. and F. Delitzsch 1996, Keil and Delitzsch Commentary on the Old Testament Electronic Database: Biblesoft, new updated edition. Khalil, Ibrahim 2007, The Bat in Bible and Quran, , URL: yons, Eric and Kyle Butt 2008, The Dinosaur Delusion: Dismantling Evolutions Most Cherished Icon Montgomery, AL: Apologetics Press.
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I am a native of Sierra Leone, West Africa. I migrated 35 years ago to the United States with the goal of furthering my education. I am a three time graduate of George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia with course work in communication, human resource training and development Interdisciplinary Studies and a doctorate in Community College Education, with course work in Communication Instruction. I am currently pursuing a second doctorate D. Ed. in Pastoral Community Counseling at Argosy University.
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The first radio announcer was Ismail Alibekov, a student of Azerbaijan State Polytechnic Institute, and the first Azerbaijani woman announcer was Raya Imanzadeh, a student of the Law and Economics Faculty of Azerbaijan State University. In September 1927 Ismail Alibekov was appointed the chief director. In 1928 Raya Imanzadeh and Enver Hasanov, a member of Azerbaijan State Youth Theatre, began to work as radio announcers. At the next stage of Azerbaijan Radio development, a new generation of professional announcers has grown, such as Fatma Jabbarova, Zuleikha Hajiyeva, Gultakin Jabbarly, Aidyn Garadaghly, Sabutay Kuliyev, Ramiz Mustafayev. In October 1929 the famous composer Muslim Magomayev was appointed musical director of Baku Radio. In those days, Azerbaijan Radio broadcasts began with the radio march RV 8 by Muslim Magomayev. This famous work was dedicated to radio station RV, launched in 1929. The march was first played in this studio. In 1932 in Radio Committee Muslim Magomayev together with Uzeir Hajibeyli were able to create the First Musical Orchestra of Oriental Instruments. The creation of this orchestra made a profound impact on the development of musical radio programmes. Several years later, it was this orchestra due to which the majority of composers and musicians, such as Niyazi, Fikret Amirov, Said Rustamov, Ashraf Abbasov, Agabaji Rzayeva, Jahangir Jahangirov, Suleyman Aleskerov, Nariman Azimov started their creative career in radio.