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The hidden curriculum helps a student realize the objectives of the learning process and how to translate these objectives into actions. The effectiveness of a teaching method depends on the learning objectives, the learners and the skill of the teacher. It can also stimulate the learners desire to develop his/her cognitive, psychomotor, social and spiritual domains. Compared to other types of curriculum the hidden curriculum talks more of integration between individuals into the academe and the preparation of the learners into a participative way of communication in their home, school and community. Thus, one of the focuses of hidden curriculum is individualism. Students learn how to recognize their own capacity and develop their ability in a specific area of what they can do and how they can do it.

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As a local, independently owned news outlet, we depend on paying subscribers to continue our mission: telling the truth, holding those in power accountable, and sharing real news on multiple platforms. Click here to start your digital or print subscription. When it comes to our community's health and safety, we at the Walla Walla Union Bulletin want to make sure you have all the information and tools you need during this COVID 19 pandemic. That's why we're allowing unlimited access, with registration, to all of our coronavirus coverage. Sign up for a free account below no credit card required. Already registered?Log in!There's no cost to register. But if you appreciate what you're reading, please consider supporting us with a subscription. As a local, independently owned news outlet, we depend on paying subscribers to continue our mission: telling the truth, holding those in power accountable, and sharing real news on multiple platforms. Click here to start your digital or print subscription. A crosswalk outside of Sharpstein Elementary School is empty. Plans to return the youngest students with a hybrid model of morning and afternoon classes has been delayed and surveys seeking family input sent out Wednesday seek more information on how schools should proceed.
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The elementary principal could select other elementary school principals in the same district. This might provide a more equitable comparison, which decreases the principals perception of inequity and under reward. For example, an employee who feels underpaid at work compared to his co workers under reward might start taking longer breaks which decreases productivity reduced input. By decreasing inputs, the perception of equity is restored. Conversely, an employee who feels overpaid compared to co workers over reward might choose to start working through the lunch hour increased input. In both of these examples, the employee was dissatisfied with their perceived inequity and reduced or increased their input to achieve equity. Types of behavioral outcomes are also determined by the employees perception of under reward or over reward. If an employee doesnt receive their annual holiday bonus as expected under reward they might steal office supplies for their home to compensate increased outcome. Even though the employee might ethically disagree with stealing, the employee justifies the action based upon the need to restore equity. Theft has been found as a retaliation tactic to unfairness in the workplace Hollinger and Clark, 1983. An employee can also take more ethical action to increase inputs, such as lobbying for a wage increase or extra time off.
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an artists colour wheel. An prior site talked about couple of revolutionary shade layouts, like the most current CIE colour distinction and coloration physical appearance patterns, and a afterwards site described how the hue circle against any colour style can be employed in direction of generate an artists colour wheel. This web site provides my private shade wheels, the consequence of extensive investigate. If you haven't done so already, read the "Chassis Lubrication" article as there is some relationship between between the two subjects. Jaguar thoughtfully provided lube fittings for the wheel bearings but the wheels must be removed to find them. The service manual recommends a 15,000 mile 25,000 km interval for this service. My suggestion is to do this every 6,000 miles 10,000 km when you rotate the tires it's an ideal time, convenience wise. Rear bearings are all too often neglected on Jaguars. On the rear hub carriers large aluminum casting just behind the rear wheels you'll see two small caps about 5/8" in diameter. Clean the area thoroughly and prise "pry" to the yanks out there the caps off. Now exposed is the rather large cavity which contains the bearings.