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The Scribbr Plagiarism Checker is powered by elements of Turnitins Similarity Checker, namely the plagiarism detection software and the Internet Archive and Premium Scholarly Publications content databases. The Scribbr Citation Generator currently supports the following citation styles, and were working hard on supporting more styles in the future. Whether you have taught online for years or were just asked to teach your first online courses, we can help you be a successful online instructor. Look through the information below to see the services we offer and what you can learn from other, seasoned online faculty members. You will find Canvas guides, knowledge base articles, semester checklists, FAQ's and how to get help and support to make your Canvas teaching experience a success. Learn more about Canvas. Here we have outlined the steps we take with you to help you create an online course from scratch or refresh one that you have taught before. We focus on the Principles of Good Practice. Learn more about partnering with an Instructional Designer. We offer online and face to face training and specialized programs throughout the fall and spring semesters on various topics. Find out what professional development opportunities are available to you.

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to noon schedule. Students in grades 5 and 6 will attend school two days per week and learn remotely three days per week. A small group of students gathered in front of Beverly High School on Friday, Saturday and Sunday to protest the remote only plan for grades 7 to 12. On Monday they moved to the McKeown building on McKay Street, where the superintendent's office is located. Sophia Hemsey, another 17 year old senior who helped organize the protests, said if elementary school students are allowed back in their buildings, the same should apply to the older students. "Elementary school students are so young.
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No underwriter or otherperson has been engaged to facilitate the sale of shares of common stock in this offering. You should rely only on the informationcontained in this prospectus and the information we have referred you to. We have not authorized any person to provide you withany information about this offering, Nxt ID, Inc. or the shares of our common stock offered hereby that is different from the informationincluded in this prospectus. If anyone provides you with different information, you should not rely in it. This prospectusincludes market and industry data that has been obtained from third party sources, including industry publications, as well asindustry data prepared by our management on the basis of its knowledge of and experience in the industries in which we operateincluding our managements estimates and assumptions relating to such industries based on that knowledge. Managementsknowledge of such industries has been developed through its experience and participation in these industries. While our managementbelieves the third party sources referred to in this prospectus are reliable, neither we nor our management have independentlyverified any of the data from such sources referred to in this prospectus or ascertained the underlying economic assumptions reliedupon by such sources. Internally prepared and third party market forecasts, in particular, are estimates only and may be inaccurate,especially over long periods of time. In addition, the underwriters have not independently verified any of the industry data preparedby management or ascertained the underlying estimates and assumptions relied upon by management. Furthermore, references in thisprospectus to any publications, reports, surveys or articles prepared by third parties should not be construed as depicting thecomplete findings of the entire publication, report, survey or article.
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All that I see with students and the college managements are that they make sure the old Status Quo remains in spite of knowing how technology is shaping our daily lives and how influential it is in learning new skills. I tried to categorize the problems in to the following segments to go deeper into the main problem and understand the core issues rather than come to conclusions/answers to the problem. Economic: Colleges divert scarce money to activities such as functions, worthless seminars, meetings and other unproductive activities just to garner media attention with an intention of getting more admissions for the college or making sure their photos and news about them is printed. There is no mechanism in place to check the return on Investments of Seminars, meetings and press releases etc. If this money is used in building laboratorys students can make something useful to society. The quality of the outcome from the practicals in the Labs will bring repute to the college and that will make the college the most sought after for student admissions. The path to reputation of quality education/college is hard and most of the college managements take the easy routes of popular unproductive mechanism to sustain. Students on their part should make sure they are getting skills and education they deserve for what they pay the colleges. After all they are the customers of the college. Instead most of them are influenced by cinema, media and other factors that divert their efforts, creativity, and energy to wrong issues that wont help them to acquire skills, education, and knowledge to succeed and have good life for long time.